after my realisation on tuesday that nothing was really ready and the house was a mess...i got my butt into gear on wednesday. and everything is done. seriously. everything is done. i know, even i am surprised.
the flat is perfectly clean. perhaps not
perfect if you are my mom, but pretty darn close. everything is clean. everything is washed. everything is put away. the only things missing are the baby bedding which my mom is bringing over next week, and the nursing glider chair which is being delievered next week. but if the baby came
right now, we would be ready.
and that is a great feeling.
the only thing left is to get my hopsital bag together. I am having a bit of a hard time with this one. I am used to the american hopsital setting where they provide you with things. Whatever i want, i have to bring. that doesnt just mean food or my personal face wash, it means night gown/sleep wear, pillows, blankets, soap, towel.... besically everything for baby, everything for me. all in a giant bag. the bag is currently half packed, i have most of what i
think i will need. but what if i dont think of something and i actually
need that particular thing? i dont exactly what Rhys to run home and get it whilst i am in the middle of having a baby. i imagine by the time i am done packing the bag it will end up like every other bag i have ever packed. way to full of lots of crap i wont end up using. better safe than sorry i suppose.
once hopsital bag is finished though I will literally have nothing left to get ready for baby. its a very relaxing feeling. a
wonderful feeling.
so until little eleri decides to make her apperance, i will sit back, drink my rasberry tea leaf, enjoy not working and just wait. but i will be ready!