15 June 2009

not counting today....

not counting today i have 13 days of work left. 13. that's it. just 13. and then i am off for over a year.

i don't think i can make it 13 more days.

I have already checked both of my email accounts, eaten 2 granola bars, had an extra large 40oz smoothie, talked to Rhys twice, sent pretty much everyone i know a text, written 2 blog posts, read all the blogs i read everyday plus some additional ones....and its not even 11:00 yet!!

i am so bored. i hate my job. (for reasons largely unrelated to the post directly below this) I am so incredibly, beyond belief, brains dripping out of my ears, SO BORED!!

I don't think i can make it 13 more days.


Unknown said...

you're almost there! and then a whole new job begins!!!! ;o) but i suspect you'll like that job more....

love you, and excitedly anticipating with you.

Sohailah said...

off for a year? you get a YEAR of maternity leave!?! Either way I think it's great that you will be with Eleri for the first year.